Sunday, December 12, 2010

Straðvörungur, Stradda (Stradivarius violin)


Teljedraugen said...

Very nice sounding! I'm quite a neologism fan myself (in addition to playing fiddle) and have been trying to learn Høgnorsk and a bit of Icelandic here in Norway for several years. Have you written any books on this subject yet, or do you plan to? Looks like you might have quite a lot of useful raw data on hand (in addition to some lovely words) which could benefit the international linguistics community?

Braekmans said...

Dear Ketill,

Yes, there is a whole webpage: and
I focus on word that are given up by Icelandic professional neologists and try to find a suitable native equivalent. This is a very hard job but if you only need 4 hours of sleep every night and have the luxury to rack your brain upon these neologistic challenges 18 hours a day (I need two hours for eating) I found out to be able to hit the jackpot sometimes and come up with a decent neologism. I'm looking for icelanders who could help me in my endeavour to find neologisms in Icelandic for everything that's imaginable