Monday, January 3, 2011


John (Jón in Icelandic)
Fitzgerald (name of Norman origin: fis de Gérald. The Icelandic construction is an adaptation of the French 'fils' (Fis-), like 'Mag-' (son) in the Irish Icelandic name Magbjóður (MacBeth) and 'Geirvaldur' (Gerald)
Kennedy (name has different etymologies, the first element could be ceann (head), which was icelandicized in the Old Literature as Kjann-. The second element is uncertain and adapted as -aður.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A case of neoicelandification of an Irish personal name: Dunufan (Donovan)

The name Donovan is composed of the Irish elements donn- (brown, dun- in Icelandicized Irish personal names like Dungal, Dungað(u)r (See Íslensk orðsifjabók)) and Dubán (Icelandic Dufan (see Íslensk orðsifjabók), composed of Dub- (black-haired) + -án (diminutive suffix)), the full Icelandic neoconstruction would be Dundufan, but in order to make the word more sound-similar the first d- in the second element –dufan is omitted: Dunufan
Many modern Irish persoanl names that didn't exist in the Old Icelandic literature can be synthesized this way.The Icelandicized version of the name of the 80ies popstar Jason Donovan, Grooovy, ha