Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Smyrjólfsbáfjáni (Anubis Baboon)

Smyfjólfur is an Icelandic descriptive neonym to denote the Egytian jackal-god (refsbróðir or gullúlfur, hence the ending -ólfur) who was the embalming god: smyrj- + ólfur (sounds like Brynjólfur). Báfjáni is a spoonerism of fábjáni, an age-old Icelandic word, and resulted to my surprise in an eccentric but yet colourful, somewhat playful further icelandification of 'bavíani'. I was somewhat frustrted with 'bavían(i). The South African have their Bobbejaan, the English have their Baboon, which are colourful adaptations of the original Latin word Papio (Papi? rhymes on "api").

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