Friday, December 2, 2011

Köðnungur samþegn (Borgari Kane)

The surname Kane derives from Gaelic cath "battle" combined with the diminutive suffix -an, -án. This name doesn't occur in an Icelandicized form in the Old Literature, but can be constructed easily from existing names. The first part of the name is Kað- (Cath-) as in Kaðlín (Caithlin), Kaðall (Cathal), the second part is the diminutive -an, occuring in Kjartan, Kalman, Dufan. Kane as a personal name is Kaðan. The chief character in the movie is Charles Foster Kane (Köðnunga-Karl), which means that Kane is a family name, so we have to make a derivation from Kaðan. For that reason we have to take the singular form of the Old Norse style collective family name: Kaðan - Köðnungar
I chose samþegn and as opposed to the original Icelandic translation of the movie-title I postpositioned the word. I know that titles like Herra are prepositioned but these are exceptions and not naturally icelandic, so I post-positioned samþegn. It it also very uninterantional. The number of lightyears of difference between Icelandic and other languages shouldn't ever be reduced.
Therefore my choice is the eccentric: Köðnungur samþegn

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